
Our Values


In the context of globalization and increased competition, it is important for us to clearly define and present our values.

These values drive our actions and thinking and make us assessable to business partners, employees and society.

Support Team

We stand for the assumption of responsibility and act on the basis of state and social rules and applicable laws.

We stand for respect for human dignity and respect cultural, social and religious orientations on the basis of fundamental rights. We reject discrimination, exclusion, coercion and harassment.

We stand for legal regulations to protect work, health and the environment. We reject child labor and exploitation.

We stand by our employees and recognize the value they represent. We do not carry our business on the shoulders of our employees.

We are committed to our home region and support regional projects, associations and youth work.

We stand by the principles of the free market economy and open competition.

We stand for integrity.

We stand for confidentiality and fairness and see this as a basic prerequisite for working together as partners. For us, reliability is the best connection to our partners.

We say what we think and we do what we say.

We want you to stand by us! You can rely on us!