
at Gerd Rittinghaus GmbH according to § 17 SDGs

Since 2010, we have been demonstrably committed to sustainability and pursue the 17 goals for our company as described here. We view sustainability as a dynamic project that requires constant adaptation and change. The measures summarized here provide a snapshot of our efforts.

No Poverty
We donate fixed amounts every year to organizations that fight poverty worldwide.

Zero Hunger
At irregular intervals, we support measures to combat hunger, such as donations to "Die Tafel" and to restaurants that offer free meals to those in need.

Good Health and Well-being
Our workplaces are designed to promote both mental and physical health. This includes reducing physical strain, encouraging preventive medical checkups, and providing fresh fruit for free.

Quality Education
We promote the further education of our employees and support organizations that build educational facilities in the developing world.

Gender Equality
We maintain a culture of mutual respect, consider personal preferences, and strictly reject discrimination.

Clean Water and Sanitation
Our sanitary facilities are modern and consider gender separation. We source our drinking water from a small water cooperative that is strongly committed to environmental interests.

Affordable and Clean Energy
Our company building is insulated to the latest standards, and we use 100% LED lighting. We air-condition with a modern gas heating system in combination with heat pumps. Compressed air is generated using a frequency-controlled compressor, and controlled shut-off valves prevent air loss.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
We achieve organic growth. We offer employees flexible working hours and assignments based on their preferences and skills.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
When expanding or renovating, we use environmentally friendly materials and optimize space utilization.

Reduced Inequality
In our code of conduct (what we stand for), we describe the standards we expect from our business partners. Additionally, we collaborate with facilities for the disabled, our website is barrier-free, and we regularly review our supply chain.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Beyond our business tax contributions, we support sustainable projects in our city through memberships, such as with Sauerlandpark (conversion of a barracks into a recreational area).

Responsible Consumption and Production
We primarily source locally to minimize transport efforts. Our production facilities are based on machines that are over 40 years old ("green retrofit"). These have been modernized for energy efficiency with modern controls and environmentally friendly peripherals, such as minimal quantity lubrication.

Climate Action
We meticulously separate waste, sorting steel scrap by quality, plastics by color, and paper by quality. We have a high proportion of reusable packaging and packing materials. We prefer environmentally friendly transport methods and avoid introducing harmful substances into the environment.

Life Below Water
We consistently avoid single-use packaging. Plastic cutlery is not used. We use 0% water-hazardous substances.

Life on Land
Our company premises include about 30% green space. Only cloth towels are used in sanitary rooms. Unnecessary paper printouts are avoided. 90% of our correspondence is handled paperlessly. The required paper is largely recycled.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Flat hierarchies enable open communication and accessibility at all levels. Upholding everyone's rights is also part of our code of conduct.

Partnerships for the Goals
We maintain partnerships with our business partners and friendly companies in the same industry. We already use these to implement the mentioned goals. This includes coordinating the transport of goods, consolidating production volumes, and aligning corporate goals with sustainability objectives.